06Nov Nov 06 2023 17:00-18:30 Institute for Advanced Global StudiesCaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities “Gaza. New Front Line of the ‘War on Terrorism’”
29Aug Aug 29 2023 16:00-18:00 Institute for Advanced Global StudiesCaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Seminar of the GSI Caravan “Revolutionalizing the concept of the ‘universal’ through the experiences of small nations and collectivities”
03Mar Mar 03 2023 15:00-17:00 CaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Meeting for Joint Review: Cheung Chan-fai『香港存歿』 (translation by Cheung Ching-yuen, Ronsosha, 2023)
31Jan Jan 31 2023 13:30-15:30 Institute for Advanced Global StudiesCaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Meeting for Joint Review: Sana SAKIHAMA『伊波普猷の政治と哲学——日琉同祖論』(Hosei University Press, 2022)
16Mar Mar 16 2022 8:00 am- 10:00 am (JST) CaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Workshop of the GSI Caravan “Revolutionalizing the concept of the ‘universal’ through the experiences of small nations and collectivities”
26Nov Nov 26 2021 8:45-17:00 CaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Small Nations: Comparative Perspectives from Japan and Quebec
11Nov Nov 11 2021 17:00-18:30 CaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Sovereign Entities in a System of States: The Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta
29Sep Sep 29 2021 11:00-13:00 CaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities Meeting for Joint Review: Wu Rwei-ren『台湾、あるいは孤立無援の島の思想』 (Misuzu Shobo, 2021)
10Sep Sep 10 2021 10:00-12:30 (JST) CaravanRevolutionalizing the concept of the “universal” through the experiences of small nations and collectivities International Seminar