
Nov 12 2022 14:00-16:00

【研究セミナー】Lasse Thomassen, Deconstructing Sovereignty Discourse


【研究セミナー】Lasse Thomassen, Deconstructing Sovereignty Discourse


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ロンドン大学クイーン・メアリーのProf. Lasse Thomassenを迎えて、研究セミナーを開催します。このセミナーは、11月8日に大阪大学で行われるシンポジウムを第一部とした、第二部にあたります。多くの皆さまのご参加をお待ちしております。

【開催日時】 2022年月11月12日(土)14:00-16:00
【場所】 東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階 コラボレーション・ルーム2
【形態】 ハイフレックス


【報告者】 Lasse Thomassen(Queen Mary, University of London)
【タイトル】”Deconstructing Sovereignty Discourse”(アブストラクトは下記)
【討論者】 仁科レン(山内優仁)(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科・博士課程)、長島晧平(慶應義塾大学法学研究科・博士後期課程)
【司会】 馬路智仁(東京大学)

【使用言語】 英語

【共催】 大阪大学大学院法学研究科、東京大学グローバル地域研究機構(IAGS)、

【アブストラクト】 The paper starts from Giorgio Agamben’s writings on Covid-19, where he argues that government responses to the pandemic are only the latest instances of the totalization of sovereign power. I use Derrida’s deconstruction of sovereignty discourse in his later works – especially Rogues and The Beast & the Sovereign – to challenge this view. I show that sovereignty is always at once unconditional and conditional, and that there is no place beyond sovereignty. With regard to the latter, I consider the university, international law and human rights, and democracy as alternatives to nation-state sovereignty. In each case, I show – with Derrida – that not only do these institutions and concepts involve sovereignty in some form, but in many cases the sovereignty takes the form of a freedom that we should struggle for. This allows me to contrast Derrida’s and Agamben’s approaches. The deconstruction of sovereignty discourse does not dissolve the distinction that Agamben and others make between sovereignty and freedom; rather, it makes us able to differentiate between different practices of sovereignty and within freedom. That kind of differentiation is useful when considering how governments have responded differently to the Covid-19 pandemic, exercising their sovereignty differently. It is also useful when considering alternatives – from anti-mask parties to mutual aid groups – articulated through a critique of state sovereignty. The differentiation makes it possible to develop a specifically progressive critique of sovereignty, rather than a critique of sovereignty as such.