TINDAS International Workshop in 2020-21 year
Knowledge on the Move: Connectivities, Frontiers, Translations in Asia
Co-organized by the Institute for Advanced Global Studies (IAGS), Network for Education and Research on Asia (ASNET), Center for German and European Studies (DESK), East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA), Institute for Asian and African Studies (IAAW, Humboldt University Berlin), Shaping Asia Network Initiative
Date and Time: 9 January 2021 (Sat.) 16:00-19:30, 10 January (Sun.) 16:00-18:30
Panel 1: Emotional Geographies and Ontological Ecologies across Asia
Eva R. Hölzle (University of Bielefeld)
Knowing the Forest: Modes of Living at the Borderlands of India and Bangladesh
Katsuo Nawa (The University of Tokyo)
Changing Imagination of Rang ‘Villages’: Geographical Knowledge, Belonging, Connectedness, and New Modes of Representation
Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka (University of Bielefeld)
Language of Ethnicity: Nepal’s Ethnic Activism in Multi-scale Engagements
Ryo Mizukami (The University of Tokyo)
A Trans-Sectarian Dialog on the Twelve Imams: Rethinking the Confessional Boundary between Sunnism and Shiʿism in Medieval Islam
Chair: Riho Isaka (The University of Tokyo)
Discussant: Claudia Derichs (Humboldt University Berlin)
Panel 2: Indigenization and Circulation of Knowledge in Asia: Past and Present
Kelvin E.Y. Low (National University of Singapore)
Sense-able Asia: Knowledge on the Move
Shiho Maeshima (The University of Tokyo)
The Empire’s Divided World Picture: Discourses and Representations of “Self” and “Other” in Interwar Japanese Magazines
Noorman Abdullah (National University of Singapore)
Toward a Commitment to Alternative Discourses in Asia: Teaching and Pedagogical Interventions
Kaori Mizukami (The University of Tokyo)
Connectivity among Indian Immigrants in Hong Kong, Manila and North America in the Early Twentieth Century
Minako Wakasugi (The University of Tokyo)
A Comparative Study of Positive Neutrality in Indonesia, India, Yugoslavia and North Korea
Chair: Akio Tanabe (The University of Tokyo)
Discussant: Tsuyoshi Ishii (The University of Tokyo)
Panel 3: Un-translatable? The Language of Concepts
Claudia Derichs (Humboldt University Berlin)
Languages and Concepts: Translating the Family
Tadahisa Izeki (Chûô University)
Problems of Translating Culture-Bound Terms in Social Sciences
Emi Goto (The University of Tokyo)
Translations of the Qur’an and Gender Justice: The Case of Ryoichi Mita’s Work in Japan
Riho Isaka (The University of Tokyo)
Travel Experiences and Knowledge Formation: Narratives of Japanese Travellers in Colonial India
Chair: Aya Ikegame (The University of Tokyo)
Discussant: Mohammed Moussa (Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University)