Latin American & Iberian Network for Academic Collaboration (LAINAC)


UTokyo LAINAC offers numerous opportunities for collaborative researches where we bring researchers and graduate students from both in and outside of Japan together.

Research Projects refer to the main themes of such collaborative researches which cover both areas of humanity and social science. For further information and detail on the ongoing Research Projects, please refer to the link below.

Our collaborative researches are flexible in that we combine many different forms of researches together. Some examples are Conferences, where many researchers from both in and outside of Japan gather to present the result of their work, Workshops, where a small group of researchers come together to focus on discussing each other’s advancement of work, Brown Bag Series, where prestigious researchers and promising young scholars deliver presentations or lectures in a relaxed environment, and Seminars operated by UTokyo LAINAC Scholar Exchange Program.

We look forward to seeing you at some of those events which may be of interest to you.

Research Projects Conferences / Workshops Brown Bag Series Seminars